Monday, 1 June 2009

Racaire's update :)

...and another two things for my wardrobe challenge finished :)

my updated A&S 50 list can be found > here <

1) A&S50 - Wardrobe (breadth)

1.1) my blue 12th century dress with gathered body part
A dress for Fiona’s Coronation ceremony (Midsummer Coronation 2008 - completely handsewn :)
1.2) a veil for the blue 12th century dress
light yellow - handsewn
1.3) underdress for my blue 12th century dress
natural color - sewn with the sewing machine
1.4) a male loan Tunic
sewn with the sewing machine
1.5) cap for Heavy Fighting
1.6) girdle book :)
1.7) a new Gugel / hood with dagging
in progress
*) Gambeson for Heavy Fighting :)
in progress

*) one pair of stockings (made from woolen fabric)
not started yet

2) A&S50 - Kingdom (breadth)

(or: “50 things for other SCA-members I won’t get paid for” :)
2.1-2.7) 7 Designs for Fionas coronation dress
silk thread - surface couching, some pearls added
2.8) Illumination for an AoA-Scroll
2.9-2.13) 5 Gifts for the Pennsic Queens Basket
Renaissance Dyeing wool thread - Klosterstich
2.14) “A Crafty Challenge” - n° 1 - a gift for Brooke :)
Klosterstich, Stem Stitch, needlemade lace: “Glattes geschlungenes Stäbchen” (Abb. 866, p. 604) & “Gewöhnlicher Tüllstich - Erster Spitzenstich” (Abb. 890, p. 611) - see chapter “Nadelspitzen” in the book “Encyklopaedie der weiblichen Handarbeiten von Thérèse de Dillmont”
2.15) "A Crafty Challenge" - n°2 - a gift for Lorelei
a "Girdle book"
*) Anya’s Laurel Cloak
in progress
*) a badge for our Heavy Fighting Marshall
not started yet
*) 2 Pelican Badges for Jaelle (for the hood sale for the kingdom)
not started yet

3+4+5) A&S50 - Stitches/Techniques (depth)

(3: Embroidery, 4: Sewing, 5: Needlemade Lace)

3.1) Embroidery - surface couching
embroidery technique - for Fiona’s coronation dress, for the roundels for Anya’s Laurel cloak, for the “gold” embroidery at my blue 12th century dress with gathered body part
3.2) Embroidery - Klosterstich
“self couching technique” - I use it for my wallhanging project
classes: Summer Coronation 2008 (Insulae Draconis)
3.3) Embroidery - Stem Stitch
I use it for the outlines of the Klosterstich areas :)
3.4) Embroidery - Satin Stitch
embroidery technique - for the
roundels for Anya’s Laurel cloak (leaves)
3.5) Embroidery - ‘diapered‘ work
also a kind of couching technique in my opinion - used for the roundels for Anya’s Laurel cloak
3.6) Embroidery - Pearls…
some pearl embroidery for the neckline of the 12th century dress
3.7) Embroidery - chain stitch
...used for my new hood/Gugel with dagging

4.1) Sewing - running stitch
…used for sewing :)
4.2) Sewing - back stitch
I use the back stitch instead of the running stitch for the sewing technique like described in the book “The Development Of Costume” by Naomi Tarrant on page 15 - 3rd row, picture in the middle for my new 12th century dress - I feel much more secure and comfortable with the backstitch than with the running stitch, for the Gambeson
4.3) Sewing - blanket/buttonhole stitch
I sometimes use this stitch for decorative seams,...

5.1) Needlemade Lace - “Glattes geschlungenes Stäbchen”
Abb. 866, p. 604 - see chapter “Nadelspitzen” in the book “Encyklopaedie der weiblichen Handarbeiten von Thérèse de Dillmont” - used for Brooks “A Crafty Challenge” gift
5.2) Needlemade Lace - “Gewöhnlicher Tüllstich - Erster Spitzenstich”
Abb. 890, p. 611 - see chapter “Nadelspitzen” in the book “Encyklopaedie der weiblichen Handarbeiten von Thérèse de Dillmont” - used for Brooks “A Crafty Challenge” gift


Sara L. Uckelman said...

The hood is beautiful!

Racaire said...

Thank you :)